Ameritales Books
Books For Kids 6 – 10
AmeriTales Presents
Thomas Edison and the Fog of Port Huron
Young Thomas Edison was the laughing stock of his school. His constant stream of questions annoyed his teachers and they labeled him “dumb.” A regular school routine for Thomas was sitting in the corner of the schoolroom; a dunce cap plopped on his head and the sound of kids’ laughter surrounding him. Realizing her son’s questioning was his way of learning, Thomas’ mom began home-schooling him and he thrived. He began experimenting with creating a human balloon. While this experiment ended in a colossal failure, it led to Thomas developing into a prolific inventor, creating things that would transform the way we live. Any kid who has ever struggled in school will be motivated by Thomas’s rise from misfit to super-powered tech wiz.
Coming Soon

AmeriTales Presents
Abraham Lincoln and the Forest of Little Pigeon Creek
Take off your shoes and join Young Abe on a daring adventure deep into the unbroken Forest of Little Pigeon Creek in early 1800s Indiana. Panthers, bears and wolves may reign supreme but Abe has his own super power to stave off the wild critters. In this tale of discovery, young Abe unmasks the wonders of literature and the kinship of animals. The Abe Lincoln series will showcase how Abe use his super powers of reading, rapping and joking to not only overcome the varmints lurking in the forest, but to ultimately conquer poverty, his difficult Pa and all those who saw him as a mere backwoods bumpkin to rise to the highest office in the land.

AmeriTales Presents
Amelia Earhart and the Haunted Winds of Kansas
Like many girls her age our heroine, Amelia, is on a journey of self-discovery as she tries to overcome the obstacles presented to women and girls in the early 1900s. Young Amelia craved adventure. She ran around in bloomers and did all the things boys did to the shock and dismay of her grandmother and society in general. Neither the sexism of her time nor the strong prairie winds could deter the spunky Amelia from achieving her goal of building her very own roller coaster and becoming a super aviator. Boys and girls alike will cheer Amelia on as she strives to go on the ride of her dreams.

AmeriTales Presents
Jackie Robinson and the Shadows of Pepper Street
Growing up in the 1930s in Pasadena, California, young Jackie longed to be accepted. He couldn’t swim at the local pool, sit where he wanted in the movie theatre or even be a member of the YMCA because of the color of his skin. Jackie rebels against these unjust social norms and joins the Pepper Street Gang, a social organization where he felt accepted. Through a series of mischievous misadventures, Jackie eventually leaves the gang and discovers his power as a super athlete opened the door to friendships with all kids. On the playing field there were no black, white or brown kids, they were just kids pulling together as a team to win. Children and adults will be entertained and inspired by Jackie as he steps out of the shadows to forever change society.

Librarians and Educators can order books from:
1340 Ridgeview Drive
McHenry, IL 60050

AmeriTales Presents Abraham Lincoln and the Forest of Little Pigeon Creek

AmeriTales Present Amelia Earhart and the Haunted Winds of Kansas