AmeriTales Entertainment
AmeriTales stories are historical fiction, inspired by real life events from the childhood of renowned Americans. They are perfect for kids curious about the past, and kids who love big adventures. Our tales will tickle the hearts, minds and funny bones of today’s kids as they illustrate how ordinary children beat the odds to grow up to become extraordinary Americans, real life Superheroes. Using the superhero plot format, our stories ooze with humor and thrills while putting humanity into action with tales of real kids triumphing over poverty, sexism, racism, disabilities, etc. These stories of courage, justice and humanity set against the backdrop of societal opposition, will invoke compassion in kids and create a bridge for children to connect with other children who may be different from them.
The aspiration of AmeriTales is to spawn a lifelong esteem for American History in all students while cultivating their curiosity and critical thinking skills necessary to become responsible and contributing citizens. We believe education isn’t just about teaching children a bunch of facts and getting them into elite colleges. Education is also about creating children with character, young people who act with ethics and knowledge of right and wrong. In the end, the virtues of kids are the most consequential to society. Acquainting kids with history stories that provide guidance on good citizenship and capture human qualities will inspire them. Getting children to model courage from an early age will ultimately help build a stronger society.
Mission Statement
To transport readers through time’s tapestry with captivating stories that illuminate and bring to vivid life the unmasked childhood adventures of America’s real-life superheroes.
Our History
AmeriTales is the only character-based family entertainment, publishing and licensing brand devoted exclusively to introducing the childhood of famous Americans to children. Utilizing the popular action-hero story-telling format, we present history spiced with vivid stories and lessons in individual success that are character-building. Our diverse array of protagonists will spark joy in a wide range of readers. AmeriTales seeks to make real-life American heroes relevant to today’s kids by enriching events from their childhood that kids can relate to. Learning about kids who have faced and overcome adversity can be inspiring and demonstrate to children real-world examples of courage and grit.
History stories have long been asserted into popular culture via movies, streaming series, video games, television parodies, and in acclaimed Broadway shows such as Hamilton. In this same fun and engaging way, AmeriTales is asserting history into superhero stories to mainstream it and make it relevant in children’s popular culture. Children will experience the pleasure of taking a narrative journey, making an emotional connection with a character and discovering what will happen next. It’s the spell that all good storytelling casts on the reader.
Our Founder
Diana Carter is the Founder and CEO of AmeriTales Entertainment, an award-winning multimedia platform company that produces children’s historical fiction content. Her work has been recognized for its inventive approach to introducing kids to American History. AmeriTales unearths buried treasures, the fascinating childhood stories of America’s real-life superheroes. Rarely revealed in children’s media, Ms. Carter created AmeriTales to showcase the personable, fun, and valiant stories of these iconic Americans conquering adversity as kids to become role models parents would be proud to have their children emulate.